Saved by faith for works
Saved by faith for works
The gospel should transform our actions and our words. If we are saved, we will help others with prayer and with action. Jesus said this:
The gospel should transform our actions and our words. If we are saved, we will help others with prayer and with action. Jesus said this:
There is a tendency for Christians to fall into to one of two broad categories:
We easily pray and speak the gospel, but rarely do good works.
We easily do good works, but rarely speak the gospel or pray for people.
In this sermon, however, I explain why both are necessary, that the proof that we have been transformed by the gospel is how we act and how we speak.
If we do nothing but preach, no-one wants to hear it. As William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, said:
But if we do nothing but good works, no-one hears the life saving good news of Jesus.
The Sermon
The Sermon
Below is a video of the 'Praying with Dirty Hands' sermon at Gloucester Elim Church in June 2024. Please feel free to visit their website and their church for more great messages about Christ.