Many Christians in the West feel like we don't fit, that we have become outsiders, and we wonder how to fix the problem

But the biggest problem we face as Christians today is not the culture we live in, but understanding the culture we come from

I believe that many Christians have not understood their identity as Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, an identity that has its own culture that transforms us from the inside. Because of that, we live in fear when we should live in hope, we live in anger when we should live in joy. We feel burdened by the gospel, rather than freed by it.

So, in this message, I unpack what it means to be a Kingdom Citizen, and how the culture of the Kingdom can transform ourselves, our churches, and the world around us.

The Sermon

This is me preaching on Kingdom Culture at Chippenham Christian Fellowship in January 2025.  Please feel free to visit their website and their church for more great messages about Christ.

The Slides

Here are the slides so you can follow along at your own pace.

Kingdom Culture.pptx