My name is Pastor Phil Worthington

I believe the calling of an evangelist is to teach and inspire everyone into evangelism, to create and encourage an evangelism culture that is simple, healthy and transformative.

I explain Jesus and the Bible in simple and relatable terms. There is lots of great teaching out there but I think many Christians have heard hundreds of sermons, read books, attended conferences, and still feel overwhelmed and under-prepared!  

That is where I can help. I teach the simple realities of Christianity: that simply being present with Jesus, and allowing the culture of His Kingdom to transform, inform and empower us, unlocks so much of who we are called to be.

Every Christian can understand the Bible, every Christian can be an evangelist, every Christian can do amazing things for Jesus - not because of how great we are, but because of how great He is.

Everything I teach follows these three principles:

Christianity is big, and complicated, with a long  (and sometimes messy) history - which people often find frustrating.  

But Jesus isn't frustrating, in fact He is the source of life and rest, so He didn't want us to be running around in circles getting tired trying to follow Him.

In both philosophy and science there is the idea of a 'first principle,' that first, simple, basic thing which helps you understand all the more complicated things that follow it. The Christian meme 'the answer is always Jesus,' is true - it's only by knowing Him that we can make sense of everything else.

On the menu above, you will find some examples of sermons I preach, with videos and slides. I am available to preach those sermons, or on another topic you like

I also have a longer-form course on Kingdom Culture, various resources I have produced to help churches including a 'church phrasebook' for people new to church, and tips and guidelines on how to run outreach events and connect with your community. 

If you would like me to come to your church to teach, inspire and help, then please contact me at